Title: The Way to Ultimate Calm – Selected Discourses of Webu Sayadaw
Author: Webu Sayadaw
Publisher: Buddhist Publication Society
Language: English
Print length: 170 pages
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Part One: Eight Discourses on Dhamma
I. What Really Matters
II. Extinguishing the Fires Within
III. Keep Your Mind on the Spot
IV. A Roof That Does Not Leak
V. The Flight of an Aitow
VI. Work Without Wavering!
VII. To Light a Fire
VIII. A Happiness That Ever Grows
Part Two: Further Discourses of Webu Sayadaw
The Power of Forbearance
How Maha-Kassapa Was Deceived
Dhamma-Asoka’s Younger Brother
Mahosadha and King Videha
Don’t Destroy Yourselves!
Going Home
Words of Wisdom
The Path to Re Followed in This World
Practising a Brief Teaching
Part Three: Webu Sayadaw and Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Pali-English Glossary
The Venerable Webu Sayadaw (1896 – 1977) was believed by many to have attained complete peace and happiness, the eradication of desire, anger and delusion. He was venerated by many in his lifetime and those who followed his instructions to practice given in these discourses benefited greatly.
Most of these discourses were given before large audiences during Ven. Webu Sayadaw’s travels in lower Burma. The person or persons answering Ven. Webu Sayadaw are lay-people sitting up front and close to him.
Because they were delivered extemporaneously, the discourses are repetitive and were edited slightly so that they lend themselves better to reading. Care was taken, however, to edit only obvious repetitions and only when they had merely rhetorical value. The reader may still find the discourses repetitive, but with some patience and “mindfulness” he will discover in them many insights into practical Buddhism.
Ven. Webu Sayadaw’s discourses are not meant for the person who prefers the study of Buddhist philosophy to the practice. His refreshing simplicity, his patience, his lovely sense of humor, and his humility — are revealed in the dialogues with his audience. Moreover, the statements of the people in the audience offer us a glimpse of how Buddhism is practiced in Burma today.
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