Title: [AN 5.161] Aghatapativinaya Sutta – How to Remove Grudges
Author: Bhikkhu Nyanaponika & Bhikkhu Bodhi
Publisher: Buddhist Publication Society
Language: English
Reader: Kamala Masters
Book PDF: Anguttara Nikaya Anthology: An anthology of discourses from the Anguttara Nikaya
Five simple practices to help overcome malicious habits of thought.
[AN 5.161] How to Remove Grudges
There are, O monks, five ways of getting rid of a grudge, by means of which a monk can remove all grudges that have arisen within him. What five?
If a grudge arises towards any person, then one should cultivate loving-kindness towards him … or compassion … or equanimity. In that way one can remove the grudge towards that person.
Or one should pay no attention to him and give no thought to him. In that way one can remove the grudge.
Or one may apply to that person the fact of ownership of kamma: “This worthy person is the owner of his actions, the heir of his actions; his actions are the womb (from which he has sprung), his relations, and his protection. Whatever he does, good or bad, he will be heir to that.”
These are the five ways of getting rid of a grudge, by means of which a monk can remove all grudges that have arisen within him.
Recorded by jtb on 11 Dec 2005 at Gaston Pond, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi. From Anguttara Nikaya Anthology: An anthology of discourses from the Anguttara Nikaya, translated and edited by Nyanaponika Thera and Bhikkhu Bodhi (Kandy: »Buddhist Publication Society, 1999). Text is copyright © 1999 Buddhist Publication Society. Courtesy of, and with permission from, Buddhist Publication Society, P.O. Box 61, No. 54 Sangharaja Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka, »www.bps.lk
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