Title: [Ud 1.10] Bāhiya Sutta – Bāhiya
Translator: John D. Ireland
Publisher: Buddhist Publication Society
Language: English
Length: 3 pages
Reader: Sarah Doering
Audio: Sutta Readings
Book PDF: Udana and the Itivuttaka: Two Classics from the Pali Canon by John D. Ireland
The ascetic Bahiya receives a brief teaching from the Buddha about dispassion towards the senses (“In the seen will be merely what is seen…”) and immediately becomes an arahant.
Recorded by jtb on 21 Oct 2005 at the Forest Refuge, Barre, Massachusetts, USA. Translated from the Pali by John D. Ireland. From The Udana and the Itivuttaka: Two Classics from the Pali Canon (Kandy: »Buddhist Publication Society, 1997). Text is copyright © 2005 »Buddhist Publication Society. Courtesy of, and with permission from, Buddhist Publication Society, P.O. Box 61, No. 54 Sangharaja Mawatha, Kandy, Sri Lanka, »www.bps.lk