Narrated by: Mark Williams
Story: A First Taste
A well-known travel writer was invited to dine at the home of a well-to-do Japanese family. His host had invited a number of guests, letting it be known that he had something of great importance to share. Part of the meal would consist of blowfish, considered a superb delicacy in Japan, in part because these fish are fatally poisonous unless the poison has been removed by a highly skilled chef. To be served such a fish was a great honor.
As guest of honor, the writer received the fish with great anticipation and savored every mouthful. The taste was, indeed, like nothing he had ever eaten. What, asked his host, did he think of the experience? The guest was ecstatic about the exquisite flavor of the fish he had sampled. He did not have to exaggerate, for it was indeed sublime, among the best food he had ever tasted. Only then did his host reveal that the fish he had eaten was a common variety. Another guest, without realizing it, had eaten the blowfish. The “important thing” the writer learned was not how good a rare and expensive delicacy tasted but how amazing ordinary food could be if he paid close attention to each mouthful.
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