Our life is Our Path: heart of the path is so simple
As Ajahn Chah said:
Two eyes and ears nose, nostrils,
tongue and body, he goes on,
the heart of this path is so simple
no need for long explanations
give up clinging, to attachment and Hate
just rest with things as they are
that’s all I do in my own practice
do not try to become anything
do not make yourself into anything
do not be a meditator
do not become enlightened
do not pass go
when you sit just let it be
when you walk Let It Be
grasp it nothing resist nothing
of course there are dozens of meditation techniques
visualizations Mantra sacred practices
to develop samadhi all the kinds of vipassana
but it all comes back to this doesn’t it
just let it all be
step over here where it is cool
out of the battle
why not give it a try
Ajahn Chah