Mindfulness of Restlessness & Worry (#18 Satipatthana Series) by Joseph Goldstein

mindfulness of restlessness

Narrated by: Joseph Goldstein
Date: 2005-04-28
Place: IMS, Forest Refuge

Reference Book & Audio:
Satipatthana: The Direct Path to Realization by Analayo

Settling Back Into The Moment: A Meditator’s Inspirational Guide by Joseph Goldstein https://audiobuddha.org/settling-back-into-the-moment/

English Satipatthana Sutta Audio: The Four Establishments of Mindfulness

Playlists: Joseph Goldstein – Satipatthana Series

Satipatthana (Pali: Satipaṭṭhāna) is an important Buddhist term which means “the establishment of mindfulness” or “presence of mindfulness,” or alternatively “foundations of mindfulness,” aiding the development of a wholesome state of mind. In the Buddhist tradition, especially Theravada Buddhism, applying mindful attention to four domains, the body, feelings, the mind, and key principles or categories of the Buddha’s teaching (dhammās), is thought to aid the elimination of the five hindrances and the development of the seven aspects of wakefulness.

The Satipatthana Sutta is probably the most influential meditation text in modern Theravada Buddhism, on which the teachings of the Vipassana movement are based. While these teachings are found in all Buddhist traditions, modern Theravada Buddhism and the Vipassana Movement are known especially for promoting the practice of satipaṭṭhāna as developing mindfullness to gain insight into impermanence, thereby reaching a first state of liberation. In the popular understanding, mindfulness has developed into a practice of bare awareness to calm the mind.