Fear As An Obstacle To Presence & Guided Practice: Presence With Everyday Fears by Tara Brach

Narrated by: Tara Brach
Language: English
Length: 21 mins

00:00 Fear As An Obstacle To Presence
08:24 Guided Practice: Presence With Everyday Fears

Playlists: Mindfulness Meditation by Tara Brach

A profound transformation can occur just by training your attention in awareness – a practice sweeping schools, workplaces, and institutions across the country with its capacity to decrease stress, cultivate inner calm, and expand wisdom and creativity. Clinical psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach has been at the forefront of mindfulness-based therapy since its inception, successfully bringing principles of mindfulness to alleviate depression, chronic pain, and more. Now, with Mindfulness Meditation, she offers nine of her most effective guided sessions, perfect for beginning or deepening your mindfulness practice.

Tara Brach
Tara Brach

Tara Brach (born May 17, 1953) is an American psychologist, author, and proponent of Buddhist meditation. She is a guiding teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, D.C. (IMCW). Her colleagues in the Vipassanā, or insight meditation tradition, include Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg, and Joseph Goldstein. Brach also teaches about Buddhist meditation at centers for meditation and yoga in the United States and Europe, including Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California; the Kripalu Center; and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.

Brach is an Engaged Buddhist, specializing in the application of Buddhist teachings and mindfulness meditation to emotional healing. She has authored several books on these subjects, including Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, and Radical Compassion.