Title: Laydrei (Karma): Tibetan Buddhist Song by Alan Dawa Dolma
Singer: Alan Dawa Dolma
Language: Tibetan, English
Source: KC Himalaya
Alan Dawa Dolma-New Song Laydrei ལས་འབྲས། (Karma) Tibetan Buddhist Song 2020
Most Popular Tibetan Song of the year.
This time Alan Dawa Dolma Released one of the most beautiful Tibetan Buddhist Song called Laydrei (Karma) with her angelic voice.
Lyric: Laydrei ལས་འབྲས། (Karma)
As Happiness is impermanent like morning dew on the bushes,
suffering is impermanent like summer flower,
hustle and bustle life in this samsara(The Round of Rebirth)
has unequalness wrinkles of happiness and suffering.
Neither anyone can pull you up to the heaven,
nor anyone can drag you down to the hell,
happiness and suffering is entirely in your own hand.
The nature of the karma is certainty result of your deeds
I go for refuge to the Teacher.
I go for refuge to the Buddha.
I go for refuge to the Dhamma.
I go for refuge to the Sangha.
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